Runners World Run a Perfect Race The alarm clock rings…now what? Here’s how to navigate any course correctly To race well, you need to train well. Duh. But there are also race-day logistics to master. Even if you nailed all your workouts, you can still blow everything by tearing around on race…
eview Open Access Nutritional implications for ultra-endurance walking and running events Eric WilliamsonEmail authorView ORCID ID profile Extreme Physiology & Medicine20165:13 © The Author(s) 2016 Received: 4 June 2016 Accepted: 1 November 2016 Published: 21 November 2016 Abstract This paper examines the various nutritional challenges which athletes encounter in preparing for and participating in ultra-endurance walking and running events. Special attention is…
I am going to take a few extracts from Mystical Miles written by Paul Vorwek who is a couch to extreme runner on both tar and trail. The more I read his book the better I understand my own views on running and what makes us runners. It also helps me to…
The Maffetone Method, Base Training, and Why You Are Not “Lungs with Legs” by JASON FITZGERALD Get updates of new posts here Are you ready for a monster discussion on base training, the Maffetone Method, and more training geekery? I definitely am – and this article is a beast – so grab a cup…
Three Tips for Easy Simple Form Work: CHP The following three tips are the major aspects of from work which helps improve any running style once the basics have been mastered to improve the mechanics of movement. !. Chest Up. Lift your chest. Take a deep breath and hold that forward position…
The following five stages of a runner are taken from: Galloway’s Book On Running. August 1984. The Beginner. Stage One- Making the break For some it is medical advice or family and peer pressure that gets to to make a decision to start running as a means to reduce weight and feel…
In order to be successful as a runner you need to train correctly, eat correctly, rest and get the mix of these three aspects just right. With the constraints and demands of everyday life involving family, social or friends, work and training the need for a coach to assist in drawing up…
Boost Your Endurance Seven simple plans for running farther and faster. BY AMBY BURFOOT SEP 3, 2003 As runners, we all want to increase our endurance, but we’re often referring to two different things. The beginning runner wants to go farther—from 2 miles to 4 miles, then to 6. More experienced runners don’t…
This is a blog page. This is coach Alan’s very own blog page. This is a blog page on the West Coast Athletic Club website. This is just random waffle to test the category blog as a separate blog page. Hopefully coach Alan posts his training here frequently!