A circular, flat route around Rietvlei, with spectacular views of Table Mountain. AVBOB has been sponsoring the race for 38 years.
Come Saturday morning I had arranged to collect Heidi on my way through to the Tygerberg AVBOB 15km which had – as many years before – been arranged to start at the Tableview Shopping Centre corner of Otto du Plessis & Blaauwberg Roads for 06h00. I decided to park over at the ABSA Bank which is on Raats Drive and walk across to the venue. This way we’d avoid congestion both ways. And we did.
A couple of entry tables had been set up at the entrance to Pick ‘n Pay where one could enter, pay and collect one’s number without any fuss or delay. This was a cash only entry point which found plenty of folks utilizing the handy ATM in the centre which clearly saved their day.
There were busses – running busses of course – that one could hop on and/or off as one pleased. I spotted Monique and Francois who boasted a 01h45 flag. This would do me very nicely thank you. Now all I needed to do was to keep up with them.

Not too much hanging around – just the way I like it – and after chatting to club members that I know and don’t know, it was 06h00 on the dot when the gun went off and we were on our way. Having checked out the weather app before leaving home, I knew this was going to be a windy one. Don’t ever underestimate the power of a Cape Town south easter also known as the Cape Doctor! It had been recorded that the wind speed was actually blowing at a rate of 37km/h or more. In my book that’s pretty hectic.
So off we went out of the shopping Centre taking a left up to Blaauwberg Road then yet another left on to the West Coast Road. And yes this is exactly where the wrath of the Doctor raised it’s ugly head! At one point I honestly felt as though I was running on the spot – and I probably was. Some folk had decided to walk it out rather than lose their breath in the wind and I must add there was a jolly good turn out of runners from Clubs near and far. Always good to see Clubs participating from other suburbs. The gale force continued right up until we turned left on to Racecourse Road. Running up the hill proved to be interesting. Suddenly the wind had subsided and after a 5km run of hectic weather, here we were in next to very very little wind. Oh it was still out there for sure but now it would be behind us and pushing one home. Very nice.
Turning on to Koeberg Road now. Different scenery – lot’s of traffic – too many homeless folk shacked up on the pavement – rubbish and litter everywhere. But at least it was a flat wind from behind run. Yet another left at the end of Koeberg Road and back into Blaauwberg Road albeit briefly before taking another left into Gill Road. Named after me. From hereon in it was an absolute pleasure running the final four km’s or so home. In between the houses offered a good false sense of sheltered security knowing that this was indeed the last leg of our journey. I must make mention and this is the very first time this has ever happened, I made it in before the 01h45 bus that I was so keen to join. Only just, but I managed to do so.
Once we were back on to Pentz Drive it really was a matter of 1km before crossing the finish line. I’m sure a lot of runners – if not all – breathed a sigh of relief knowing that the 2023 Tygerberg AVBOB 15km was now complete!!

Tygerberg Club had organized this run and as always once across the line fresh watermelon – and very very welcome I must admit – was available to one and all. There was the usual Coke table offering Coke plus Coke Zero, water and even Energade. Personally, I think they did a splendid job. From advertising their event, to the cash point of entry, to every 3km’s a refreshment table, to having friendly well advised marshals on hand right down to the finish line. Hats off to the Tygerberg Club. Well done indeed.
I was fortunate enough to land not only a glass but a medal too. Heidi and I hung around for a while before walking back over to where I’d parked the car. So all in all we were home for just after 08h30. Not that I needed to be reminded but we have some extraordinary runners in our club. How lucky are we? Weiguo AKA James, especially to me anyway, took just 60 minutes to run the 15km even with the gale force head wind. Janine van Zyl managed a PB which earns her a club bronze recognition. Sadly Bronwyn couldn’t join us on the run due to an injury and decided to support Felicia and take a walk instead. I’ve included a small table with West Coast runners that took part in the AVBOB 15km and are members on Strava. I know there were more West Coasters there, but unfortunately, I don’t have their results. They’ll probably be made known later and if they were on Strava they would have been included.